Speed Demon Coaching

Speed Acceleration - The Essential Skill for Success in All Ball Sports

Acceleration - The Essential Skill for Success in All Ball Sports

Speed is a crucial factor in the success of athletes across various sports. In ball sports, where split-second decisions and quick movements can make all the difference, speed acceleration stands out as a key component of speed development.

Among the many facets of speed development, acceleration takes center stage, serving as a linchpin for athletes aiming to gain a competitive edge. In this blog, we’ll talk about how important it is to accelerate ball sports. We’ll explain why accelerating fast is a big deal and share useful tips for athletes to get better at this important skill, helping them perform at their best.

Photo of Speed Demon Coaching Client Scarlett Running The 4x400m

The Three Components of Running Fast

Before we get into talking about speed acceleration, it’s important to know the three elements of running fast. Track sprinters, who are known for their exceptional speed, focus on these components:

  • Acceleration (0 to up to 30 meters): This is like the quick start of a race. Imagine you’re starting from a standstill, and you need to get going as fast as possible in the first 30 meters. It’s that initial burst of speed where you rapidly pick up your pace.
  • Maximum Velocity (up to 7 seconds): After that quick start, there’s a phase where you’re running at your absolute top speed. It’s like reaching the fastest you can go and maintaining that for a short duration—around 7 seconds. Why 7 seconds? The biomechanical research on sprinting for both males and females reveals that humans tend to reach their maximum velocity within 7 seconds but not beyond. For most of us, we get there well before 7 seconds.
  • Speed Maintenance or Speed Endurance: Now, think about a longer sprint. This is where you’re working to hold onto that high speed for as long as you can. It’s crucial for sports that involve covering more distance at a consistently fast pace, like running longer sprints or maintaining speed throughout the game such as gridiron, rugby, Australian football or soccer where you see players doing a mad dash to get into position to receive a ball, run with the ball to score or chase and tackle an opponent.

While all three components play a role in sprinting, ball sports often place a heightened emphasis on acceleration due to the need to get to the ball first or tackle an opponent with the ball.

Acceleration in Ball Sports

Photo of a soccer player

In ball sports such as football, basketball, cricket, and tennis, the ability to accelerate quickly is a game-changer. Athletes must reach the ball first, evade opponents, or chase down opponents to prevent crucial plays.

Let’s break down the importance of quick speed acceleration in various ball sports:


In these fast-paced sports, being able to accelerate rapidly is a game-changer. Players need to get to the ball first to gain possession, escape from defenders, or quickly close in on an opponent with the ball. The ability to make quick bursts of speed (especially within 5-10 meters), can often determine the outcome of a match, making acceleration a crucial skill for success.


In cricket, acceleration is vital for strategic plays. Whether it’s sprinting between wickets to score runs or chasing down a ball on the field to prevent it from reaching the boundary, cricket players rely on swift acceleration. This ability not only contributes to individual performance but also impacts the overall dynamics of the game.


In court sports like tennis, the significance of acceleration is evident in the need to reach the ball and play a shot. Players must accelerate quickly to get to the ball in time hit winners or just keep the ball in play. This not only enhances their offensive capabilities but also ensures they maintain control of the game. In tennis, where split-second reactions are crucial, acceleration becomes a key factor in staying competitive.

Did you know?

Speed acceleration isn’t just a gift, it’s a skill you can refine. To enhance this game-changing ability, athletes should focus on strength training with exercises like squats and lunges. Technique drills optimizing the first few strides and specific acceleration training, including short sprints and hill runs, can give you that edge. Don’t forget reaction time—incorporate drills simulating game scenarios, and, most importantly, consistent practice will turn acceleration into your secret weapon on the field.

In short, whether it’s gaining possession in football or basketball, executing strategic moves in cricket, or hitting winners in tennis, the ability to accelerate quickly is a fundamental skill that can set athletes apart in the competitive arena of ball sports.

Developing Better Acceleration

Photo of female runners

Now that we understand the critical role of acceleration in ball sports, the next question is:

How can athletes enhance this fundamental skill?

Here are some key strategies:

Strength Training: Building lower body strength is integral to explosive starts. Focus on exercises that target the muscles used in acceleration, such as squats, lunges, Olympic lifts and plyometrics.

Technique Drills: Work on sprinting techniques that optimize the first few strides. Coaches can implement drills that emphasize quick starts and proper body positioning.

Acceleration Training: Include specific drills designed to enhance acceleration in your training program. Short sprints, resisted sprints, and hill sprints are effective ways to target this aspect of speed.

Reaction Time Training: Acceleration is not just about speed but also about reacting swiftly to stimuli. Incorporate drills that challenge athletes to respond rapidly to cues, simulating game scenarios.

Consistent Practice: Like any skill, acceleration improves with consistent practice. Regularly integrate acceleration-focused exercises into training sessions to see long-term progress.

Wrapping It Up

Speed acceleration isn’t exclusive to sprinters, it’s a critical skill defining success in all ball sports. Athletes with quick acceleration ability gain a distinct advantage—whether it’s reaching the ball ahead of others, evading opponents, or executing strategic moves. Through focused training, athletes can refine their acceleration, enhancing their overall performance on the field. In the high-speed field of ball sports, effective acceleration stands as a potential game-changer, making it a pivotal attribute for achieving success.

If you want to ramp-up your acceleration contact us here at Speed Demon Coaching and we can design a training program to make you go much faster!