Speed Demon Coaching

Speed Training Myths

Speed Training Myths - Breaking Long-Held Misconceptions about Running Fast

Speed training is a dynamic and focused approach to improving your running performance. Whether you’re an aspiring sprinter aiming for explosive bursts of speed or a distance runner seeking to maintain a brisk pace, it holds the key to unlocking your full athletic potential.

However, it involves training to increase your running speed. It’s not only about running very fast for a short distance but also about improving your ability to maintain a fast and steady pace over longer distances. This type of training helps you improve both your ability to accelerate quickly and your endurance. It’s a valuable training method that allows you to surpass your previous records, whether you’re running a short sprint like the 100m dash or trying to maintain a faster pace during a marathon.

So why are we chatting about it today? Because the internet is flooded with advice and tips that might mislead runners. We’ve all heard myths like “You can not train speed, it’s genetic. You either have it or you don’t”, “Speed training is only for professional athletes,” or “It’s too intense and leads to injuries!”

Spoiler alert: none of it is true! Breaking down these myths is crucial because we don’t want any falsehoods keeping you away from reaching your own speed goals.

And here’s the real kicker, friends: Speed training isn’t reserved for elite runners or young kids. It’s for all of us who want to feel the thrill of the wind whooshing by as we bolt through our runs. It can be super relevant for any stage and any age because it enhances our running efficiency, amps up our fitness levels, and let’s be honest, it adds that exciting shot of adrenaline to our running!

Photo of Speed Demon Coaching's Dylan

The Science behind Speed Training

Biomechanics of Running Fast

When it comes to the training, understanding the biomechanics of running fast is crucial. Biomechanics of Running Fast refers to the aspects of human motion and body movement during high-speed running. It involves analyzing how muscles, bones, joints, and other physiological factors interact to achieve rapid acceleration and maintain top-end speed in sprinting and other fast-paced running activities. Understanding these biomechanical principles is essential for optimizing running technique, and efficiency, which can lead to improved speed and performance.

Role of Genetics and Trainability

Genetics and trainability are pivotal factors in an athlete’s potential for high-speed performance. Genetics influences an individual’s inherent attributes for speed, including muscle fiber composition and metabolic efficiency.

However, genetics merely set the stage, and training can significantly enhance performance. Trainability, on the other hand, reflects an athlete’s ability to improve speed through dedicated training. It depends on training quality, intensity, and recovery practices. While genetics provide a baseline, an athlete’s commitment to structured training and running mechanics refinement can maximize their potential for remarkable speed gains.

In short, genetics determine the starting point, while trainability represents the extent to which one can push their limits through effective training. Both elements are critical for achieving speed excellence.

Importance of Proper Running Mechanics

While genetics and training are vital, proper running mechanics are often the deciding factors in achieving peak speed. The importance of proper running mechanics in speed training cannot be overstated, as they underpin an athlete’s:
  • Coordination (skill development)
  • Acceleration (start speed)
  • Maximum velocity (top end speed)
  • Speed development (quickness)
  • Power development (converting strength to speed)
  • Running economy (running faster with less effort)
  • Injury Prevention (developing muscle and tendon resilience)

Unraveling the Myths

Photo of female runners

Speed is Only for the Young

This misconception suggests that as people age, their capacity for speed diminishes significantly. While it’s true that certain physiological changes occur with age, such as a decrease in muscle mass and bone density, it’s overly simplistic to assume that speed is exclusively reserved for the young. Numerous research studies have found that older individuals are able to maintain their speed, strength and power through dedicated training and proper care. Age should not deter anyone from pursuing speed training or striving for athletic excellence.

More Speed Work Equals Faster Times

The idea that increasing the volume of speed-focused training will invariably lead to faster times can be counterproductive and even detrimental. Overtraining and excessive speed work can lead to athlete burnout, increased risk of injuries, and diminished performance. The key lies in finding the right balance between intense speed workouts and adequate recovery. An effective training plan should encompass periodization (long-term planning), focusing on quality over quantity, and allowing the body sufficient time to recuperate, ultimately leading to improved speed and performance.

Leads to More Injuries

Contrary to this myth, speed training, when conducted responsibly and with proper guidance, does not inherently lead to more injuries. In fact, it can enhance an athlete’s physical condition, strengthen muscles, tendon, ligaments and joints, and reduce the risk of injuries when performed correctly. The key lies in implementing safe and effective training practices, including warm-up routines, proper running mechanics, and recovery strategies. Overtraining and inadequate preparation are the real culprits when it comes to injuries, not speed training itself.

Heavier Individuals Can't Be Fast Runners

The notion that heavier individuals cannot excel as fast runners is a misconception. While body weight does play a role in running performance, it is not the sole determining factor. Speed and running ability depend on a combination of factors, including genetics, training, and running mechanics. Heavier individuals can develop speed by focusing on strength and proper running mechanics. It’s important to recognize that there is no one-size-fits-all body type for speed, and athletes of diverse body sizes and shapes can achieve impressive running speeds through dedication and effective training.

Neglects Endurance

Another common myth is that speed training neglects endurance and is only for short, explosive efforts. While it is crucial for short bursts of speed, it can also improve an athlete’s overall endurance when integrated properly into a comprehensive training program. Speed training enhances an athlete’s ability to maintain higher speeds for longer durations by improving running economy, making it valuable for various disciplines, from sprinting to marathon running to football.

All About Running

Speed training is not limited to running alone. It can encompass a wide range of activities, including cycling, aquatic activities such as water running and kick board paddling, and plyometrics. Cross-training with these activities can help build strength, agility, and power, which are transferable skills that can benefit your running speed. Diversifying your training routine can be an effective strategy for improving overall athletic performance and speed.

All About Genetics

Some believe that speed is entirely determined by genetics, and if you’re not naturally fast, there’s no point in pursuing speed training. While genetics do play a role in an individual’s athletic potential, the majority of speed can be developed and enhanced through proper training and dedication. It can help individuals reach their genetic potential and even surpass it.

All About Running Flat Out

Another myth is that it requires running at maximum effort all the time. While some sessions may involve high-intensity sprints, effective speed training includes a variety of workouts. This can encompass tempo runs, interval training, and even recovery runs. Properly structured training plans incorporate different levels of intensity to target various aspects of speed and fitness.

Requires Expensive Equipment

Some people believe that effective it demands access to costly equipment, such as high-tech running shoes or specialized machines. While having quality gear can be beneficial, speed training can be conducted with minimal equipment. Many drills and workouts can be performed with basic running attire and a suitable running surface (a football field or cricket oval will do). What’s more important is the dedication and technique you bring to your training, rather than the price tag of your gear.

All About Quantity, Not Quality

A misconception is that doing more speed training sessions will automatically lead to better results. Quality always trumps quantity in thetraining. It’s better to have well-structured, focused workouts that target specific aspects of speed than to cram in excessive training sessions without purpose. Overtraining can lead to burnout and injury, so a balanced approach is key.

Too Intense for Beginners

There’s a misconception that speed training is too intense or advanced for beginners. While it’s true that beginners should start gradually and prioritize building a fitness base, introducing elements of the training early on can be beneficial. Beginners can benefit from learning proper running mechanics and incorporating occasional speed work into their routines as they progress. It can help beginners improve their running form and fitness levels over time.

Implementing Safe and Effective Training

Implementing safe and effective speed training is crucial for athletes seeking to enhance their running performance. To achieve this, it’s essential to follow training principles such as periodization, proper progression, and attention to form. Incorporating a variety of workouts like short sprints, interval training, tempo runs, and hill sprints helps target different aspects of speed and endurance. Additionally, injury prevention and recovery play vital roles; warm-ups, cool-downs, strength training, cross-training, and listening to your body are integral. Proper hydration, nutrition, sleep, and recovery techniques like foam rolling and stretching complete the regimen. By adhering to these guidelines, athletes can pursue their speed goals with confidence, knowing they’re on a path to both improved performance and reduced injury risk.

Tips for Injury Prevention and Recovery

Photo of female runners

In the pursuit of speed, injury prevention and proper recovery strategies are paramount. Here are essential tips to keep your speed training safe and sustainable:

Prioritize Warm-Up and Cool-Down: Begin each speed training session with a thorough warm-up that includes dynamic stretches and mobility exercises and technical drills that build up to running fast. After training, cool down with stretching to maintain flexibility and reduce muscle tightness.

Gradual Progression: Avoid sudden increases in training intensity or volume. Gradually progress your workouts to allow your body to adapt to higher speeds and loads over time.

Proper Footwear: Invest in appropriate running shoes that suit your foot type and running goals. Replace worn-out shoes to maintain optimal support and cushioning.

Listen to Your Body: Pay attention to signs of fatigue, pain, or discomfort during and after workouts. Rest when needed and don’t push through pain.

Hydration and Nutrition: Stay adequately hydrated before, during, and after training. Consume a balanced diet that supports your energy and recovery needs.

Recovery Techniques: Utilize recovery tools such as foam rollers, massage, stretching and swimming to alleviate muscle soreness and maintain flexibility.

Sleep: Ensure you get sufficient restorative sleep as it plays a critical role in recovery and performance.

Consult a Professional: If you experience persistent pain or injuries, consult a sports medicine specialist or physical therapist for evaluation and guidance on injury management and prevention.

By following these injury prevention and recovery tips, you can maintain a safe and sustainable speed training routine, reducing the risk of setbacks and enhancing your overall performance.


Recap of Busted Myths and Facts

In this journey through the intricacies of speed training, we’ve debunked several prevalent myths that have obscured the path to achieving peak performance. We’ve learned that speed is not exclusively for the young or genetically gifted, and more speed work doesn’t always equal faster times. We’ve also shattered misconceptions about this training leading to injuries and heavier individuals being unable to excel as fast runners. These facts underscore the inclusivity and adaptability of speed training, applicable to athletes of all ages, body types, and skill levels.

Now armed with a fresh perspective, it’s time to reimagine your approach to speed training. Embrace the science-backed principles and strategies that we’ve explored. Recognize that speed training is not a one-size-fits-all endeavor; it’s a dynamic and personalized journey. By focusing on proper technique, gradual progression, and injury prevention, you can harness your true speed potential and surpass your goals while staying injury-free.


As we conclude, we extend a resounding call-to-action to all aspiring speed enthusiasts. Take the first step on your myth-free speed training journey. Seek professional guidance, whether you’re a novice or seasoned athlete, to tailor your training plan to your unique needs. Set achievable goals, stay patient, and continually educate yourself in the pursuit of speed development. With myths dispelled and a newfound perspective, you’re poised to go on a journey toward safer, more effective, and ultimately faster running. Your myth-free speed training journey awaits, so lace up your shoes and start chasing your fastest self.